Koki Tomlinson

Books & Guideposts

Nov. 5th, 2023

Books are a form of shared information.

Shared information acts as a guidepost and can offer valuable information such as directions, distance, and warnings. Guideposts do not make the journey easier, they simply provide information that may be helpful.

If there is a fork in the road, "Direction A" and "Direction B", a person trying to reach "Direction A" does not get upset at the sign for "Direction B". "Direction B" is not helpful information until you are looking to go there. Likewise with books, we shouldn't try to rank them. They are different tools for different situations. Similarly with tools, multi-tools are rarely good at anything.

We cannot force directions on the people around us, especially friends and family. This is not effective.

Maybe their destination is different from yours. Maybe they're at a different point on the path and need a different guidepost. Maybe they're not looking for direction at all.

Guideposts are not helpful if you haven't decided where you're going.

The best we can do is leave helpful information along our path and maybe some person somewhere will find it. We don't know when, we don't know how, but we will have changed the world.

We all benefit from sharing. Please share your experiences too.

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