Koki Tomlinson

World View

Oct. 21th, 2023

Our views of the world impact every waking moment.

The knee-jerk, mental reactions we have are just a story.

A story we've created and have control over.

It's time to question that story.

It's time to shift our world view.

We all make a lot of assumptions. We couldn't survive otherwise.

But we have this incredible ability to question assumptions.

It's the only way we've made it this far as a species.

Some person stepped out of line and did something different, made something new, tried to solve an issues, tried to make things better.

The times are different. The issues are different. But our path to change is the same.

We are more capable than we credit ourselves.

We can be the person we want. We can start being that person today.

There are issues to tackle and solutions to be found.

We can create change.

Some experiences that affected my world view:

You are not alone.

Comments: (coming soon)